Because gluteal implant surgery is performed using general anesthesia, it is associated with the same risks as other invasive surgical procedures. After gluteal implant surgery, patients might experience the following over the first few weeks:
- Swelling
- Hardness
- Discomfort
- Itching
- Bruising
- Twinges
- Pain over the first few weeks
Potential adverse events that may occur with silicone gel-filled gluteal implant surgery include:
- Wound dehiscence
- Hematoma
- Seroma or edema in the implantation area
- Infection
- Loss of the implant as a result of muscle dehiscence and implant extrusion/exposure
- Ptosis
- Implant rupture
- Capsular contracture
- Sciatic paresthesias
Because gluteal implant surgery is performed using general anesthesia, it is associated with the same risks as other invasive surgical procedures.
After gluteal implant surgery, patients might experience swelling, hardness, discomfort, itching, bruising, twinges and pain over the first few weeks.
Potential adverse events that may occur with silicone gel-filled gluteal implant surgery include: wound dehiscence, hematoma, seroma or edema in the implantation area, infection, loss of the implant as a result of muscle dehiscence and implant extrusion/exposure, ptosis, implant rupture, capsular contracture, sciatic paresthesias ) and others. Talk to your doctor about other complications.